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Lmao ๐Ÿคฃ I got uno to play w someone and we only played like twice
Thatโ€™s fair tbh
I do love uno and Yahtzee on my phone tho lmao
I just havenโ€™t had the energy for anything that requires more of me
And itโ€™s fun to make people mad ๐Ÿฅธ
Reverse uno bishhhh
People get way mad. Itโ€™s wild
I swear my luck role in life is reserved only for uno
Some girl said I was cheating and she was gonna report me. On Yahtzee. Like girl who is cheating at Yahtzee
And she called me a nasty name ๐Ÿคฃ
And I said get good and then blocked her
Have you ever been insulted so good you have to hand it to the other person?
Itโ€™s usually men and they always go for the vulgar names or comments on appearance (even if they donโ€™t know what you look like) for insults so nah ๐Ÿคฃ
At least be creative if youโ€™re gonna insult me
Although once someone said I had slow reflexes in fortnite and I was hurt
Like valid but also it was 3 v 1 and he was just mad he ded
Heyo everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป
Hello everyone
this dead or dead
oh bet
mornin' ๐Ÿค
Hi any bbw here dm please ๐Ÿ˜”
in the bbw room? Unheard of
Any girl wanna chat
Anyone still play overwatch?
I do
Dope, same.
I take breaks but I always come back
We should play Frankie
Hiw r ya hun
Hi how is everyone ^.^
Anyone playing monster hunter ?
I wish.
Resident evil 7 is pretty coo. Just got it on sale
And girls play Fortnite
Bold statement
Who's excited to play the new AC shadows?