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Morning, any guys looking to rp, pm me. We can work out rolesscene. No incest allowed.
RP ideas ๐Ÿฅฐ - park ranger lost on hike -dr*nk & lost at a concert - first time trying w*ed - - bad taxi innocent passenger - tricked by older brothers friends - dr*gged by friends dad - innocent and used hitchhiker ( love cnc , to be tricked , groped, sneakily dr*gged, light bdsm etc )๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Bodyguard Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Fantacy rp Holiday Magic school
Any taboo girls?
Would anyone like to rp pm me I have roles. Male and females welcome.
Rp anyone hmu Im bi
Any dominant and really kinky ladies for rp?
Me and my brother are twins. You and him have been best friends since elementary school. I had always had a crush on you, but never said anything until our senior year of high school. You rejected me besides my brother told you to and from there on if I stop hanging out with you and him, itโ€™s now five years later and weโ€™ve only really interacted a few times. I call my brother one night drunk for a ride home. Youโ€™re with him and answer his phone.
Any ladies for rp hmu
Any guys wanna rp, pm me your roles. No incest
Rp pm me
Gay guys hmu to roleplay
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Bodyguard Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Magic school Adult cruise
my younger brother and you joined the same institute to complete your graduation where you both get to know eachother and started hanging out together. And then he grew feelings for you , on the other hand you met me at the club where we had a bit of conversation which grabs your attention ( pm me to continue the role play) ....
Would anyone like to rp pm me I have roles. Male and females welcome.
Sure pm me
any kinky doms wanna rp? pm me a list of ur kinks๐Ÿ˜›
Rp anyone hmu
Would anybody want to do a longterm detailed roleplay, if interested dm me
Need a girl for roleplaying twins ๐Ÿ‘€ I want 2 of you to fill up
Women into family?
Looking for rp partner? Please pm me to enjoy the better and the Detailed role play of any kind. Kinks and limits applied
Hmu to rp Im bi
Any babe wanna RP my No limits kinky Fantasies? DM me...
Heyyy girls hmu to rp!!
No limits gangbang role plays pm me daddy
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Bodyguard Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Magic school Adult cruise Neighbors
Would anybody want to do a longterm detailed roleplay, if interested dm me I have a couple of roles in mind
Hey anyone wanna rp pm me
Nicole check your dm
Is anyone interested in detailed rps?
Any women genuinely capable of contributing to a long term, detailed roleplay? If so, message me for further details.
This room looks fun โ˜บ๏ธ
Bored hmu
Any care for some hot taboo fun?๐Ÿ˜ˆ Iโ€™m very detail rp and have some hot ideas too! ๐Ÿคค pms open to all ๐Ÿ˜˜
Is anyone interested in rp? Pm me I have roles. Please be detailed.
Anyone want to role play?
Any men want to role play pm me with the roles that you have in mind
Anyone here
I am