How are you all ! Hope you’re well. It’s unfortunate to hear that she got jailed over something alike that.
My bonuses hve been good and bad bc I’ve not been online to do them. Quite busy leading up to April for vacay day.
Lobster no thanks and that’s not allowed 🥱
I didn’t know you changed your avatar Heather my bad. Not been around much lol
Fair enough don’t blame you xx
That jelly fish really thought she was untouchable 😭
Alien people still been bothering me even when I’m offline. That crab girl from 3 weeks brings my name up whenI am working 😂 (get sent ss)
Alien I caught one of my haters that posted a pic in a gc
my haters always have one sort of look and it’s not pretty… 😂 that’s all ima say
Thanks for letting me tell you my stupid antiland things and irl 😂🤗 🩷 love you aliennnn
Alien the first woman who I actually vibed with who hasn’t snaked me
My friends kid bugging me to geton fn to carry him 💀
Alexa I’ll be back in 20 mins hopefully you’ll be here then xx
me and glitch agreeing on something in 2025 🤔 who woulda thought