>>> I can gift myself tf I need you for 🤣
You are the gift of the internet. Internet baddie
✨ Toxic Widow 🦁❤️ you made for this app babe
>>> He’s 24
What’s his mother’s name?
>>> Or 24 apparently
I would like to get to know you better. What’s your mother’s name?
I don’t believe you can genuinely know someone without knowing their family background
If you’re willing to disclose that information with strangers well then
I guess we know each other
>>> Why yall playing like yall love each other...
They think it’s fun
>>> No im never a hater 🧟♀️
U don’t hate on bull sh!t babe?
>>> Men really are trash 💀💀
At least you’ll be spending the Christmas holidays together 🥰
>>> I mean ALL MEN are trash
Whoever raised you I agree
>>> The streets raised me
Street ppl don’t behave like u shawty
>>> How you know how I behave ?
Read what u write and tell me I’m lying
Neither is your fake internet man
Yea sorry I call shii shii my bad
>>> Is this donkey another k9 alt or nah?
U can sym I ain’t your pussio internet man
>>> And he ain’t my man anymore 🤣
That’s better see u learning real shii now
Jajajaja don’t ruin London u fkin internet bankers
✨ Toxic Widow 🦁❤️what’s the baddest thing you’ve ever done in your life?