pushed everyone else underground
highly detailed and built according to specific frequency patterns
bunch of random tribes builtrly cool temples all over the place
the egypt one was a giant lighthouse
yk there are hundreds of pyramids across the world right
humans and aliens have been here for millions of years
u havent actually looked into any of these pyramids shapes have u
“humans for about 300 thousand”
yes but still human nonetheless
most extraterrestrials are our distant relatives
yeah theres hundreds from our species evolving in a bunch of dif directions
we pushed em to live underground in the cavern systems cuz of our insane violent tendencies
riiiight cuz yehovas body definitely isnt completely decomposed at this point
the straight line of the monkey walking n turning into a man was just for humans but if u look at the actual tree youll see it branch out a bunch
sucks cuz so much of this info is covered up
of extraterrestrials not aliens and yeah
fairly certain the greys created us n theres evidence in some piece of the bible that priests removed cuz it was “anti god”
aliens come from off world extraterrestrials are earth born
and i said yes for extraterrestrials
u can look at a evolutionary tree