The argument is that it is the religion with the highest propagation outside of circumstances of birth and coercion
I don’t think there is just one answer to the appeal of religion. It is a complex social phenomena
Impossible to really know if there’s an afterlife or not, gotta have faith or tolerate the uncertainty
It’s a reasonable position
It is always worth it to do the effort to understand how someone got to their views. We are all just humans doing what we can
how is everyone this morning
Remember , coercion is through fear (the top method), guilt and obligation
The levers used to control others
That’s true not only narcissists abuse
Paranoid and obsessive compulsive personality disorders too can do a lot of trouble
i wonder if a lot of those gone after the ios problem are bots
Oxytcin is said to be a love hormone, but what is interesting is that the actual attachment feelings are driven by vasopressin, dopamine, and serotonin, while oxytocin effects are making you forget
if you block oxytocin, you dont block formation of attachment, attraction, sentiment, but you block forgetting, it makes you forget other attachments, allowing you to focus more on your baby and partner.
no, oxytocin makes you forget other attachments
well maybe describe what you mean by a romantic person so weare talking about the same thing
so many intellectual arguments are because people are arguing from different assumptions and definitions.