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The fact that that isn’t my bed is crazyyyy

The fact that that isn’t my bed is crazyyyy
The fact that that isn’t my bed is crazyyyy
i could be in yours tho 👀
Wya then 😤
about 9 hours away 😪
That’s not my fault 🙄 pull through
on my vacation baby 😭
See ya soon 😘
march 30 - april 5 👀
Come late and you’ll be here for my birthday 😝
you still only told me april smh 🙄
Mmmkayyyyy well now I’m telling you that that’s too early in April 😤
in between the 10-30 narrows it down 👀
Ehhh wrong. Then you’d be too late 😂
between the 5th and 10th then