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i still miss my ex, i thought i got over her but the feeling just keeps coming back, at this point i think about her almost daily, i have filled my life wife new hobbies and i still try to do different things everyday, i exercise even more, traveled more and met new people but nothing works anymore, everything feels dull it makes me lack the want to do anything, nothing is the same without her. i feel lost without her

i still miss my ex, i thought i got over her but the feeling just keeps coming back, at this point i think about her almost daily, i have filled my life wife new hobbies and i still try to do different things everyday, i exercise even more, traveled more and met new people but nothing works anymore, everything feels dull it makes me lack the want to do anything, nothing is the same without her. i feel lost without her
Get s therapist
But like how does this happen?
A book.. whatver it is its not good
Have you tried alcohol and gambling? It Really changed my life
i tried. everything.
But alcohol and gambling
I know an end game for you
Try asking greenie! He’s the best advice! He helped me out with my baby dad and everything too
Bambi u have a kid?
Random lore😭
I had to read that twice as well
if i ever find who that is, i will, thank uu 🙌