Probably getting ready to go to jail
What does breeding ginger even mean
all the hookers probably got busted
Where are the chubby chickss
Is there another room we dont' know about
Anti is pretty dead I heard ppl went to another app
I'd be interested in finding that out too
When the sun 🌞 crosses the moon🌑
But I haven’t downloaded it
I also dont know if its anyone here
There’s no other room most people just switched to a
the one named after a Mitubishi car
I remember downloading it back in the day on IOS, was boring
it still boring, and horrendous to look at. and that's a lot considering we're coming from anti
some anti user made it to spite anti, saying they can do better and all that. it's not been any better, at most the same and that might be an overstatement even still