Hiws everyone's day today
Thats great boo. I just woke up
Ik that feeling comfy. I had 4 meetings back to back the last 2 days myself
>>> How are you v
Im feeling better than yesterday
Yall i need someone to pick me up and just break me in half. Im so sore 😭
Because they lonely and wanna hump
I rarely do it anyways ¯\_(ツ)_¯ its too nasty
I need someone to crack my back for free. Chiropractic prices r crazy
I have the switch lite and was gonna buy a switch but then saw switch 2 was coming
I agree. I only got mine bc my brother could never think for himself when it came to gifts for Christmas. Whatever i wanted he wanted and i wanted the og switch
But bc of that fact, my mom said she can only guve me a lite. She cant afford two oh switchs
>>> I guess the Switch 2 will have a larger sc...
I hope so
>>> Female there's a YT video of the Switch 2
I've seen. Reason why im just waiting
Afternoon all. Time to get high on my day off
Nah fr. Ios users cant even use this anymore