Oh wow I haven’t been here in a while
Hope y’all are doing great 🥰
Here’s a pic for the missed time
Well isn’t that a crazy thing to say
Currently 3:40am in Canada for me lol
Well I have 3 different jobs lmao
I don’t work every day, one’s seasonal. One is every 2-3 days, and one is just kinda whenever I feel like it
Yes and yet I’m still broke 🤣
I mean not like.. BROKE broke. I can still pay for everything I need + extra but.. damn I wanna travel more and I can’t lmao. A steak is damn near $30 here and I can’t afford that but I can pay all my bills just fine 😭🤣
Yeah loving Canada right now 🙃🤣
Yeah idk why it’s so expensive since Alberta leads the entire country with damn cattle farms but c’est la vie I guess?
Yeah gonna be honest I have no idea how economy works so 💀
Lmao. Hey that’s Canada in a nutshell didn’t ya know 🤣
Okay loves it’s my bedtime. Sleep well or good morning everyone 😘 xo