Lol it's mansplaining at its best honestly
Anyone that actually knows me, including on Anti, knows it was really fitting and shows that he gets me
Intent of a word is what dictates things like misogyny.
You can call someone "perfect", and it can be misogynistic in the correct context
He's just that kind of dude I guess
Lol and he told me he is a man who listens to what I find funny
And what is actually befitting my personality and drive
I was about to point out the same
Even the most by the book compliments can be misogynistic
He's the most sappy and lovingly overbearing dad to be, while still being able to joke around with his very culturally crass wife
Like... Indigenous Woman humor is far more crass and potentially degrading than eurocentric know how to deal with
Uhhhh going on 3 years now I think. He's better with the passage of time than I am
Lol overbearing in this case just means he's insisting on doing things for me when he's home because I'm pregnant and very physically disabled already lmao
Probably not the right word choice but aphasia ate my word bank years ago
He is ✨ wouldn't settle for less.
The AI filter is annoying
Getting prison for fully clothed cleavage smh
Anti keeps tossing me in prison when I'm not even on now