Science makes the world go forward and not false religions
>>> Islam does not conflict with science
Oh really?
Then tell me.. is it possible for a man to split the moon?
Is it possible for a man to travel on a flying horse?
Show me in any science book.. a flying horse
>>> But when we talk about miracles and a prop...
Only.. those miracles aren't really miracles but lies, fictions and fantasies
>>> What does this have to do with science now...
You just said science proves islam is the truth???
So show me a science book with a flying horse
Show me a science book which says that a man can split the moon
You have no scientific proof so don't tell that science proves islam is the truth
Science can prove islam is a bad joke within seconds
If quran is really the word of god then science should be able to prove each and every thing that's mentioned in quran
>>> What does science have to do with proving ...
>>> Science is the most important thing that p...
Yep science is much more advanced than quran
In 100 years.. quran will be treated as a bad joke book
Same as all the other religious Books
Quran and science is the exact opposite of each other
So don't say that science proves islam as the truth