I’ve never played fortnite. Wouldn’t even know if Nintendo has had COD games released on their systems 😅
Will you be paid for sick days?
Ahh North America are you?
Michael were are you in the world?
Sick pay around stuff like covid I think is so unfair. It should be mandatory full pay I think especially as proof can be given
I’m only on switch. Been a Nintendo boy virtually all my life. Although I’m probably suffering from some fatigue
Well at least I know where North America is but my American geography is crap!
The only Nintendo I skipped was GameCube because at the time I was really into WWE so I had a PsOne then PS2 for Smackdown games. After that I went back to Nintendo with Wii. In hindsight I reckon I would have still loved having GameCube
True but it’s still something which can obviously be passed on and people may expose themselves to vulnerable people etc
On my switch I had bought the most games ever for a single console. I don’t always have the time to play and I don’t put in the hours that I used to when I was much younger. I’ve found I’ve not even enjoyed some of my idle time when gaming
Is PS4 still supported with games? Or is the focus now PS5?
Silly question… Washington DC is in Washington state right?
I wonder what will happen with switch support once the switch 2 is released.
𐌌𐌄𐌃𐌵𐌔𐌀 💋🐍 is a FAKE 🤖 haha
Doesn’t turn people into stone
I’m about to go and have some breakfast put the kettle on for a cup of tea ☕️ 🫖 🇬🇧
Nice having a little chat with you 𐌌𐌄𐌃𐌵𐌔𐌀 💋🐍 and Michael
I know that Alaska and Hawaii are not there 😆 deceiving map! 😉
Too busy paying attention to the actual gaming haha 🔫