Group is for members to chat and share thoughts, not drama.
>>> Be safe
You are safe, you are an active member
Besides with a 'toxic' username, I am afraid of you. Lol
>>> lol RUDE is a good petson
True, probably even a good person too
Only messing with you all, bringing some humour
>>> What's one thing u want to buy but you can...
>>> Thank you. I used to take riding lessons w...
I took them to and learnt a lot about the laws of gravity
>>> A muscle car
What colour?
>>> A muscle car
Will you give us all a ride??????? Lol
>>> Scared of convertibles, so it would be a t...
Who said I was talking about the car?????
>>> Y’all have a nice evening it’s time for me...
Ok have a fantastic Sunday and stop by again
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir
And good morning to you too
That's a good start to a Monday
Ah, but what is that 'something'?????
If we haven't found out by now at our ages, don't think it's worth I while now. Lol
That's two problems now, what's the something and where is it, too much for a Monday morning