Squid I heard you were looking for me
It's true I had to get stitches after a Diddy party
They put the baby oil all over me sauid
I wasn't hired and I had to go to the hospital afterwards
I see you're all fired up now
I pulled that straight from the indictment, this is the same guy you're defending?
On numerous occasions from at least in or about 2009 and continuing for years, COMBS assaulted women by,
among other things, striking, punching, dragging, throwing objects at, and kicking them. These
assaults were, at times, witnessed by others and
I mean that's just a tiny little piece from the indictment
Do you think it's just bs?
Yes he is, it's part of the indictment 😂
It's part of his racketeering charge!
It's a FACT from his case!
COMBS' violence was also not limited to these women. It extended to his employees, witnesses
to his abuse, and others.
the defendant, used the Combs Business, including certain employees, to carry out,
facilitate, and cover up his abuse and commercial sex.
That's dinner for an adult?lol