I was lucky to raid from my friends list where some necrozma let me use a beast ball
I still have to go to my in person raids. I’ve been doing all remote this morning
I just want a shiny 91 haha
But technically I have a shiny for sol.
I got a 96 but not shiny ☠️
It was a good day yesterday. I just need a shiny holiday pika.
Nice. Three shiny already
I got one lol. Only 8 raids tho
You can remote raid shadow pokemon for the team rocket takeover event. Limited time for now. Take advantage.
Especially with shadow Ho oh tomorrow
The raids start in 30 minutes on poke genie 😂
It’ll be a good week trying to complete all of them.
The team rocket Pokémon are from unova. And pidove in the dynamax as well
Not all of them tho. Just a few
Hope everyone had a good first day