Ok. Sounds good! Thanks for sharing.
What are you up to tonight Miss Bubbles 🫧
She seemed like such a good person too. Too good.
I was in disbelief at that. The whole reason they were looking for that van was because a witness called them about a male slapping a female. Then they make her look like the aggressor somehow.
Everyone failed Gabby. Her family, her friends, her boyfriend, the police, boyfriend’s family.
How she even ended up with him was a mystery to me. From all the videos, he was such a strange guy. Almost like she was pushed away to Florida, then ended up on the road with him. She wasn’t close to anyone. Even after learning about fights, her own mom didn’t even try to get her home.
The girl with the Black hair?
Really? I feel like I’ve been the same. I don’t have the energy to put on a show
No problem mate. Toilet is 2nd door to the left.