I mean, that’s the stereotype
I’m the other one, I sleep in a bed my parents gave me when they moved that is way too big for one person.
I feel that tho. I have a lot of things half done that I just haven’t bothered to get done for lack of motivation
I sleep laying on myself, floating above my bed balanced on nothing.
I do occasionally move to my bed so my dog can curl up next to me, she’s pretty needy sometime
I get my baked goods from my dearest mother, who was going to start a bakery in another life, but instead she works endless overtime as a nurse.
I bet it changes all of the names to anti land now
Someone paint a miniature with me
10:00 at night is the perfect time
To come over to paint minis
Bro you know men can play instruments too.
I like the Hurdy Gurdy, because it’s a weird old instrument that most people don’t know how to play, and it’s very hard to make it sound good. But when it does it’s sick as hell
I used to play the oboe, but it’s too expensive of an instrument