But personally I am doing ok
And, it is so sickening to see that just because one of my messages had the word G@z@ in it, they screened and banned it
Also there's this lady name Bored , who suggested she wants to d1e
I recommend just visit palestine and a flag of palastine, you won't even have to do it yourself plus you'll be a martyr
You guys taking your lives for granted? There are people who are snatched of it before they were born
Couldn't even see first light
Cherish every photon of light that you witness , you know photons do not experience time? They are born and die in the same moment all for us to see how beautiful our lives are
Corvo🫀Attano ,an Arabic poet said, "Between what was said but not meant & what was meant and not said, most of love is lost."
Baby steps indeed. I've realised I wouldn't have made most of the mistakes I did in the first try if I slowed down significantly.
🪷Julie Paul Fartre🪷 hope all's well?
Good day to everyone else too
Your Little Sis only clean chat!! Or you get banned
None that I know of. You might be one of a kind in here
Also interesting, makes me curious
I have swapped them for lithium
Medicine does make life better in many ways. It just stopped me from overthinking again. I saw your message and it was just instinct from there to come on here and say something. It's only possible because I've been on meds for more than 1 year. Had it been the old me, I'd have his away from any confrontation or conversation, taken drugs and just awaited my death to come and take me. This may not be much for most but it's a life changing difference for me.
I've been overthinking again today. Sorry if I hurt somebody with my words, but I just came by to speak my mind because I simply hate my @#&"::' manager.
In most cases, moms are right in their own way as in their intentions are genuinely positive. When I finally started connecting with my mom on that level, she started changing her behaviour towards things that weren't good for me. As a bonus, I got to learn how I can be more responsible and handle challenges like a pro.