I mostly listen to rock but it’s typically more punk
Like I grew up on mayday parade, Lincoln park, bmth, a day to remember, three days Grace
Let me know what you think
I’ll have to check them out
I meant Toby’s ego lol I think Iv heard some Pink Floyd before
Don’t hate me but I don’t think I’m into that sound
You’re welcome and I just don’t like the slow vibes
I’m listening to comfortably numb rn though
They only have one album from 2013?
That’s an interesting album cover lol
They are wtf lol I wasn’t expecting them to talk like this
It’s wild how that happens tbh I listen to ppl and I’m like how
This is my friends song he just dropped called paranoia by sorin marz
Yah they got good instruments
Make sure you don’t let your pain bleed on to others too so be careful having fun
It’s a big big world my friend lol