Hun never met someone from Athens
We are up to 5 pages now 📝
Are you working for the feds ?
Nahhh not since “the incident”
I mean the human body is on average 98 degrees
But it’s cool your hot too is says in the notes 🗒️
Your notes are wrong bb 🙂↕️
The notes are never wrong bb I triple checked ✅
But I still have a lot of empty pages 📄
I cannot think straight anymore. Stop writing them down. Imma start going feral
But we only finished chapter one of the book 📖
I have nothing sane to say
Looks like chapter two might be very interesting 🤔
With every reply it gets worse
I’d describe it as getting better personally but it’s your book too 📕
Did I mention that I’m crushing on you ?
Every good novel needs a love interest 📝
I’m glad you agree I was thinking we write the first date to take place in a mom and pop coffee shop ☕️📝
I was thinking of something more extreme but since I like you, I’ll settle for that
The shop is now on fire 🔥 📝
Wouldn’t be the only thing on fire 😌
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