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Amérique du Nord/

LLong Island ? 💪🏻🙏🏼�

Good evening everyone.
Hey there Poker! Sorry I missed you when you came on. I hope you’re having a good evening and a good sleep.
By the way, does this mean you’re back from Florida? Are you sporting horizontal stripes from falling asleep on your lawn chair while sun tanning? 😂😂
I’m back. lol
Any ladies wanna chat
Good evening everyone.
Buenos noches Poker!
How’s everyone’s weekend going?
Chat about abythinggg idc
Well, well. It’s about time someone dropped a hello message in here. Happy Sunday Long Islanders. Stop creeping and just say hello or give a wave back. 😄 And good luck to anyone affected by the fires in the West Hampton area. That is a scary and troubling occurrence. Let’s all pray it’s the last and that we have a wonderful spring and summer ahead!
Hello everyone
Any ladies here that want to talk?
Hey anyone want to chat
Good afternoon everyone
Anyone alive? How was your weekend?
Poker this app had to update on my phone. I was locked out for 5 days. I kept getting an update message. I’m all good now. I hope you’re doing well too.
Mine just completely wiped out the two Li rooms from my chats.
I don’t think that there’s any future for this app and iPhone. I would hate to be forced to restart my profile and lose my karma. But…
App sucks anyways. lol