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Asie du Sud-Est/

CChinese Indonesian

eh kenapaaa
karena besok libur! yes yes JEN
Besok hibernasi dirumah
pengennya sih gitu hehe
jen masih bisa liat bubblesnya heis kan? soalnya chat mod
Emang dia typing?
I dont care tho
Mariiiii rebahan dirumah akhir pekan
oof alright alright
jen akhir pekan ada rencana apa?
Mgkn cm dirumah rebahan lg kurang vit
Aku tidur non
C u
sleep tight 🤗 JEN
banyakin istirahat and minum vitamin
feel better soon ✨
anon a😿, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word To give in your story.
to give is to receive
I am Jen..!, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Dependent in your story.
Pagi ges
pagi ponder
semangat pagi ponder
Eh elu matiin grup mesh, jgn kayak org sekarat lo
Gk harus chindo
Chindo jelek, indo lebih cantik
Suka siapa urusan masing"
Ga usah diurusin si omes
Eh luvi
Wah di Ben
Im back
Siapa yg di ben
Aq rasa aneh bgt sih org nyari chindo kaya nyari apa
Gara gara drakor ini
Mreka cari siapa ya bebas
Kalau ad yg mau
Kalo siang lebih aman kan ya sama kuning?
>>> Kalo siang lebih aman kan ya sama kuning? Itu kenapa makanya lu ga nongol ya malammmmmm gua kangen lu tauuuu gaaaa
Dasar babik
>>> Chindo jelek, indo lebih cantik Wkwkwkwkw