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Loisirs & Intérêts/

🌻Anti's gardens 🏵️

A few wild life flowers from my drive today 🙂
The Gerbera flower is actually a cluster of hundreds of individual little flowers - they help alleviate stress and anxiety effectively. It’s recommended to keep them by your bedside for optimal oxygen supply. 🌸👍🏻
I love wildflowers! Thanks for posting 👍🏻
Good evening
Hey Egan how are you
I’m fine and dandy, thanks! How are things on your end?
Enjoy your morning cuppa
Fun fact: Venus flytraps can actually count. Each time a hair is triggered, it generates a wave of calcium through the trap but one wave isn’t enough to close it. The plant will wait until this has happened twice. Just once might be a false alarm. If a second wave is triggered within a few seconds, then the trap will close. 🌱
Hi all 😍
Bunskey welcome back
Yeee🥳 eganskey
🌸 Lilies have the most fragrant petals amongst the flowering family, lilies are fantastic for pollinators, drawing insects with their large, colourful flowers and delectable nectar. 🌸🐝