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Chaala rojualaindi adi vini
Good old days
>>> Oh what was your last read Umm. And then there were none by Agatha Christie
Larkiyah message kar
>>> They are useful..and is needed sometimes Too much of it can be harmful
>>> Larkiyah message kar Let me modify it a bit. Larkiyah massage kar.🌚🌚
>>> Too much of it can be harmful They are there to help us..not for self destruction.🥴
Mari wild ga unnaru merru
Self sabotage is so fun
Memanthe, wild stone laanti vallam.
Ammai kanipisthe chaalu..🌚
Park venue anale inka nayam
Eureka kasa misa..
>>> Ammai kanipisthe chaalu..🌚 Naa nibbi days gurtucoming
>>> Park venue anale inka nayam It reminds me of my childhood days, I used parkavenue good morning and Axe sprays...God, they used to have such a strong odor.🫠🫠
Miyamora what does your name mean?
>>> Self sabotage is so fun How is it fun?🥲🥲
>>> It reminds me of my childhood days, I used... Chinapudey avani vadestey epudu atar eh kotukovali
>>> Miyamora what does your name mean? It's a character name - anime
Hahaha. Ma naanna konipettaru...Nenem choice.
>>> It's a character name - anime Which anime is it?
I am watching solo leveling these days.
>>> Hahaha.Ma naanna konipettaru...Nenem cheya... Oh 😳😳😳 nice avi nana konipetaru antey
>>> Which anime is it? Horimiya
>>> I am watching solo leveling these days. Oh yes!!! Me too
>>> Horimiya Baagunda?? Ongoing? Completed??
>>> Oh 😳😳😳 nice avi nana konipetaru antey Prema anukunta. Ma naanna used to have strong sweat odor so aayana konukone vaaru..nenedo age lo unna kada...alanti korikalu untai ani..nakooda konivallu anukunta...the thing is, i don't smell bad despite not taking bath for few days 😂😂
Merku 🥰🥰🥰🍑🤏🍑🤏
How you been Merku?
I have been are you doing?
I’m Okies bb
I’m waiting for you vn 🤨
Same pinch.
I am not sending any vn.
Why not? 😠
Why should I?
Why shouldn’t you?😌
What are your plans?
Any life update??
Gaali nanu takinaa
Ninu takenu gyanpakam