>>> ouch. that hurt my chest hair 😭
Boys don't have chest hair?
You clearly have a lot of growing up to do pol
>>> Someone throw the white flag in for em alr...
Not really. Horse is self destructing on his own
>>> 😆😂 as concluded earlier, she dum😆
Weak insults from a weak boy. This is making my day lol
Don't worry though. I will probably forget about you. You don't quite leave the impression
>>> i would stay clean. im not a womaniser any...
Your mum?
>>> look guys this is what it has come to
Aw. Looking for backup?
>>> dont wanna brag but i am enough to get a g...
Paying doesn't count
>>> Yea like there’s literally so much chaos, ...
I think there is just too much hate in general
>>> Cuz of health issues I know it is ironic
Not really. It's a noble thing. There's no irony in it. You want to help people.
Hmm. What is it you want? Do you want the open relationship?