What is your definition of Demi. And it can be difficult in Poly because, again speaking for myself, that many (not all) people I’ve come across aren’t interested in someone Demi. Because they’re interested physical intimacy right from the start. And don’t seem to understand, for myself, there has to be an established connection before any physical play happens.
And no, I’m not related poly to just physical intimacy. It’s just folks now a days place it highly on their escalators. Where for me, it’s not near the top, in fact it’s not a driving force for me when getting to know someone. I want to know you, see how you handle yourself, see the different ways you experience intimacy that’s not bedroom related. I want to learn about what interests you, hobbies etc.
Also sorry for the novels 😂
Yes I’d say that’s a fair thing to say
Now if only some people would understand that means having more than one conversation 😂
Yeah I’ve kinda figured as much, so things have kinda settled into I’m not actively looking, is someone comes along and we can be platonic, im happy as a clam. And yes it really is 😂
😅😅 I’m neurospicy. I don’t know. I always feel awkward. Like “hey 👉🏻👈🏻 I noticed you like dinosaurs. I too like the dinosaurs” 😂
Oh interesting, and a new way for me, to think about how one can lose interest in things like hobbies, and jump from one to the next 🤔
Or jeez, over a lifetime? Hm… 30-ish?
😂 ok but hear me out, a lot of them a creativity related
A couple different sports, physical activities, creativity related ones, baking, journaling, books etc
I’ve gotten into making suncatchers, paintings, photography, candle making, soap making, jewelry making. A few others lol
Some of it is for expression, but also it quiets the brainand when I really enjoy something, I can hyper focus on the process and not have a billion other things run through my head so it’s nice way to decompress and relax
Working through some things but not the worst kind of day 😊