>>> Economy is great ! Corporate greed is why ...
Your tendency to oversimply is assanine. Inflation isa measure of price change over time. Prices arent going up as fast as they used to because more jobs means more public buying power means more demand means more people buying things means lowering inflation. Too high of money supply CAN devalue the currency and cause runaway inflation. Right now, that would not the case because spending was low for a long time.
Corporations also arent lowering prices despite more demand now (hence the greed). artificially keeping prices high causing record profits for corporations. meaning the stock market is increasing while people continue to struggle under high prices.
Cherry picking data is a telltale sign of the dishonest... jfc. Corporate profits in genral hit an all time high at the end of last year.
>>> Name something that hasn’t gone up signifi...
Get it through your thick skull... inflation is a percent increase in prices over time. A positive percent means prices are going up.
Anti literally wont let me post facts without thinking its personal data. 2023 gdp q4 3.4. Eoy was 2.8 trillion in profits.
2022 2.7 trillion in profits.
Inly person taking an L is you for not knowing what they are talking about
Inflation has been a positive number since 1938. Meankng peices have always been going up. Today its 3% compared to the 9% it was due to the pandemic. Prices are going ip slower now compared to previously. So your "name something that hasnt gotten more expensive" stick is stupid.
Why would i care about a single company when we are talking about the economy and inflation which affects the country as a whole? More cherry picking BS. And dollar amount is not irrelavent unless you believe in the idea of unlimited growth which is another wholely stupid concept. But fine... There has been a total of 42% corporate profit increase under biden compared to the total 17% under trump.
Also according to social security data the average wage index shows a just under 3% increase during trump years and over a 5% increase during biden years.
>>> Why would i care about a single company wh...
Because one company doesnt matter when talking about the entire contries status! But fine, apple had over a nine percent incease in 2023 compared to previous years. They had a fifty six percent profit increase during biden years compared to trump years
Literally had to reword my message 5 different times because anti auto-moderator thought percentages were a violation of the user agreement....
I dont care what the actual corporate profit is as long as the economy is working for the people and not the CEOs. I think the corporate profit share compared to the public wealth is stupidly out of proportion. I also know l
Have seen enough stats to know the takking point about the economy under biden vs under trump are usuallg pretty false and full of mininformation
Pardon my fat fingers and my impatience. I know it causes lots of typos.
What are you on about? Trump supporters keep trying to claim so many things were so much better under Trump when they demonstrably were not. That's the misinformation I'm talking about. Trump screwed us over by defunding, deregulating and cutting taxes. Those tax cuts had a short lived economic stimulus and then weakened the economy. The economy is doing remarkably well uner Biden despite that and a pandemic.
Cant even remember the last time i read or watched something from CNN and im not even a registered democrat. Jfc
Think i drove most of themoff... or they all blocked me because they had nonargument to stand on anymore and wanted to bury their heads further in the sand.
Dont got the time today tho