u prolly notti like your name 👀😳🤭
prison must be where the fun’s at nowadays
can you get banned in jail?
nyx did you go for a massage? 🥰
i dragged a friend to go out and drown sorrows last night haha
oh and um… i fired someone 🤭😳👉👈
yass. love ourselves with ferawrrrcity
used up all my patience lol. 😆like for months insubordination. i couldnt take it anymore
haha dont listen to me im full of nonsense🙈I am with someone just not during vday so i just spent time with a friend who was kinda in the dumps in stufd. hope everyone’s vday went great🥰
the relief, right? like out of our hair now😅
yeah i am thank you. besides um a tummy ache lol. HOW’re u ducky?
darn🥹 hope anti gives you some good distraction
i have scheduled another “date” with another lonely friend ducky. A walking date lol. Maybe some endorphins will lighten your mood too 🤗
i hope you find a good support system ducky. And if nobody else, i hope you find the courage within to fight off life’s nonsense
and i hope this app stops glitching😤😂
“Do not go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage agains the dying of the light”