I’m doing reports at work for the last three hours and the math still isn’t mathing 😢
Calculus, regular calculus. It should be easy. And I still have many other things to do like restocking the minibar at the front desk 😭
You know what, now my coworker that was going to take the shift after me didn’t show up for half an hour by now😓 I’m scared he won’t come
I was already doing 12h shift 😭😭
And now even longer 😓 I just need some sleep man, it was night shift on top of that 😰
Little update, nothing updated I’m still in work for at least another forty minutes 🙃🥲 😰
I got out, he came late by almost two hours. Not only thing that’s left is one hour long trip home by bus cause my car broke yesterday 😭