oh hi nice to meet a fellow habitual line stepper
didn't marylin monroe say something like well behaved women rarely make history lol
I like to say im annoyingly persistaent, but not pushy, and i by far regret the things in life i didn't do or say over the ones I did
It gets me in trouble sometimes, but wheres the fun without some mischief
hows your night treating you?
just talking in here killing time and enjoying just relaxing alone but still enjoying random company. chat is fun like that
ywah it keeps things interesting
I am random af....even talking to me twice is a game of chance
oh how fun....what options are there? can I try out a few?
haha i love the range...I hope I can pick somewhere between sarcastic azzhole anti ho then circle around to anime girl and wind down with some therapist
I think im somehwere between random lame jokes, overly inquiring and then my mind often frequents the gutter.....i can go from talking about the weather to thinking about how someones butt looks in sweats vs leggings depending on the temp lol
i was going to ask what is a dirty rp demon but i noticed it was demo lol