If anyone wants to message me I’ll spill all my confessions
Hey anyone wanna dm me and I’ll confess some secrets?
I cheated on a girl I spent 8 years with
And as awful as that is, I’m glad it happened because it was the wake up call I needed to end the relationship that had been dead for at least 5 of the 8 years
Yeah for sure if you’re officially together
I’ve been seeing a girl long distance for 8 months and while she’s not getting with anyone else, she thinks I’m doing the same. But I’ve been getting with others the whole time
I’m straight but fool around with guys online sometimes when bored
I know but the long distance situation isn’t going to lead to anything sadly, if I thought it would work then I’d stop sleeping around
I’m going to end it soon, we both know nothing can come of it in the end so it’s gonna hurt her less to end it without her ever knowing I was sleeping around too
Can you pm me? Would appreciate a convo about this situation
I have another confession if anyone wants to hear it
Someone pm me to hear my confessions