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Australia ja Oseania/

AAussie swingers

Good morning
How are you two
Great yourself
Fantastic Whats on for the weekend
Not sure yet u
Lookin like beaching weather
You too
Nearly Christmas 🎄
Got much on ?
Hopefully get it all off 😂
😂 Sounds like a plan
Half way there lol
Are you making progress
In getting it all off
lol 😂 maybe
Good work
What’s ur Christmas 🎄 look like
Family affair at mums Then a mates night party What about you ?
Yours sounds good too 😳
lol 😂 well hope it’s as good as it is in my mind 😈
Whsts in your mind
I wont tell anyone Plus there is only the 3 of us in here
lol atm there is lol
You got someone else coming ?
Ok Better not tell me whats in your mind for xmas then Ill just keep my imagination ticking over
lol 😂
Hope you have fun whatever you do and hope your fantasies come true
Will yours
I doubt it 😱
Oh no
Come here then
🏃🏻 Wait where ?
See you soon What do I need to bring
Merry Christmas 🎅
Merry Christmas 🎄
26 and 23 year old couple looking to meet