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Panda Express
Authentic Chinese right there
My sweet Buckets
Milkman? đŸ˜Č
you have been ignoring but its pk
You always changing avi’s I can’t keep up
Poor Stabby had been depressed cause of you
naw she was making fun of me in another chat
Stabby! How dare you talk about Milkman???
He’s an anti legend 😠
true been here since when K was here
You deserve better Milkman
YOU HERE ME STABBY??? He deserves better

gracias amigo pero she probably cant hear you
She will
Damn what happened to Dom Gallo?
no idea he probably fell asleep at the wheel
Damn we need to find him
He’d do it for us
onta gallo
Idk đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
It’s your wife Stabby
I’ll leave you two love birds alone
Still no sign of Dom Gallo huh
I know
 I’m worried too Milkman
porque lloras bb
I think the cartel got Gallo
Them ore the federales
true its possible
We need to help him escape
He’d do it for us
your right heading to mexico now to investigate
Careful Milkman, the he federales are on him too
Not just the cartel