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How do you make prune butter
I love butter
It makes a nice fruit filling. Especially if you want something that isn't too sweet. It's mixed with a little bit of orange and brown sugar, so there's no tartness to it. It's really basically a plum filling
I mean, that's all prunes, are l oL they are just dried plums
How they taste
I'm craving cookies so badly
That looks like a paste lol
Prune paste xd
Yeah basically that's what it is
You add liquid and sweetener, and then boil it down
And then puree it with a hand blender, until it is smooth
Where'd you learn how to bake like that
I had all the prunes, so I just looked up a recipe online for how to make prune butter out of them, lol, and it was pretty simple
I mean, i've done this with with other types of fruit before without a recipe, but this was my first time with prunes.So I decided to consult an actual recipe for it🤣
I didn't want to play around because I had so much of it🤣 but usually I just wing it when I make fruit reductions like if i'm making a berry one for a cheesecake or apple filling for something
Mm.. I don't know what these are too but they look delicious
Lol yeah that's how you were comfortable making something new because you bake a lot
I would
I would love to learn these are they hard? Lol I'm trying cooking first and then I thought I'd bake
>>>📷 This looks like yogurt based xD
Yeah, the top one is just greek yogurt width apples
And the bottom is a type of waffle that I made with a blueberry sauce
Baking is really fun and easy. And once you get the hang of the basics, you can take a recipe and alter it to your own tastes, and according to what you have on hand
That's donuts ?
I keep coming back to her
They're fresh and delicious
Just wow.
Yeah, those are some used donuts that I made
Yeast *🤣
I've also made cake donuts before. I bake them. I don't fry anything. All of my desserts are healthy and low fat
What flavor are those. Did you make chocolate too?
>>> Yeah, those are some used donuts that I made I was gonna say used?? Wym lol
What dough you use for the donuts
Well, for the yeast donuts, I make a yeast dough, but for cake donuts, it's more like a batter
I have also made bagels and soft pretzels
Lol I can't take the ss for the donuts
>>> Well, for the yeast donuts, I make a yeast... Which one is yummiest
>>>📷 👍🏻👍🏻