This is Moses he has 6 toes on his front paws
Lol. Your house must be busy with 2 tabbys. Mine is with just 1. Lol
It won't let me post poxage
Pixel's age. I don't understand why.
Probably thinks you are putting a phone number.
Oh ok, well he's very old for a cat
He sleeps a lot, and is surprisingly spry for his age.
My cats are 6yo dogs are 3yo
I don't know what my wife would do without them. The dog broke our hearts. At our age, I don't
We don't feel we could handle training another puppy
Yeah, I wish I could adopt old animals, give them good last years.
Our executive pastor does that. I don't know how he can but that's what he does
Well, it's getting late for me. And I'm tired so, I'm off to sleep I'll see you folks tomorrow. Goodnight.
wahhhhh looking for a bf to give my love too. hi!!! im looking for serious relationship. gosh its tiring to be single🙄 21 from the philippines
What's your weekend plans
Do you guys have weekends?
I thought they were myths?
Congrats to the white ferns kiwi🥳🥳
Oh I don't know who they are 😬😬
Guessing some sport team 😅
They are your cricket team?🤯
Lmao you’re missing out so much fun kiwii
Hahaha never really got into ball sports 🤣
Oh what sport do you like then?
Wow you like riding horses😂
Try for the olympics kiwiii
Oh nah need money for that one 🤣🤣
And a horse that isn't a land whale
Do they ride land whales too?😂
I will go to work in the morning😉