And we want freedom for u guys
What did we ever do u to you
And what did putin do to you and to others
We are historical and civilisational enemies with Europe and North America
Maybe compare those two idk
Well, if we compare Putin with European invasions... I believe Putin
Civilisation? Dictatorship
Still better, no matter how I hate him
Being forced to do and think 💩
You going back to napoleon??
I dunno... Maybe polish, french, german...
Europe is an exsistantial threat to all Russians
Erm in the 1600’s you attacked russia ☝🏽🤓 And that is why my people don’t get any power I take everything and they are just cannon fodder for me - putin
Europe is worse than mongols. Under successfull mongolian invasion and occupation we were able to preserve our identity
And during even unsuccessful european invasions we were on the brink of certain death
Go get drafted and killed in that war to take ukraine then😂😂
See u there submissive dog
Now be still and fight for him
In the ancient Greek mythology when gods were on Olymp,do you know the name of concubine of the gods,who were play with all gods sexually??
Concúbine was called Europe
Putin is bad, but european influence is even worse
Still Europe is a concubine to not say b word
Putin is figjting for his people
Like in india our leaders are
Europians are much more hypocritical
Like we barely survived 1990s pro-western pityful excuses for presidents like Gorvachyov and Eltsyn😂
I hope one day they know what they are doing
Russia helped when American attached us
Putin fucs his own people in the arse
We support russia from start snd they support us
No pro western candidate has a chance to win in fair elections a
While living in a huge villa with his other scared besties
Only his stupid kgb education
We are still wealthier even with all that sht than we were under pro western administration. Coinsidense?
I just feel bad and sorry for u guys
He’s bullying his own people
We have almost lost all country and economy under pro western marionettes
Putin is not pro western?
>>> Better than your face
Russia need real democracy though. Dont even need to ban pro western parties, cause they would never win
We need education improvenent to regain our scientific capabilities
And to leave all treaties that are banning chemical and biological weapons, so we could improve our defencive capabilities against West
Give off all nuclear power to us in exchange we will never attack you deal?
Ahaha😂 of course we will trust you 😂
Only one thing can stop West
If they would know that if they will invade, we wont wage war against westerners. We will wage genocide. No matter we will die - we will take the whole western civilisation to grave with us
Cant fight west conventionally, we dont have enough resources. Only MAD will save us.
So no Reichskommissariat Moskowien for you, westerner
>>> Any russian girl into black guy?.
My gf is 🙈
Она как будто злая все время
Well that bunny's lips don't look normal at all
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