>>> Are you from that part of the continent, a...
Yep.I am from North Africa,
Last time I checked that's still Africa
>>> Oh sorry for being rasist
>>> So you are witty. Noted.
I hope I can live up to that claim.
>>> Snob. Noted.
When needed.
>>> So you are witty. Noted.
Thank you though
>>> No, no, I appreciate and encourage it.
I'll take your word for it,thank you..
>>> Is the Africa gc too boring for you, to ha...
I guess the monsoon got me here..
>>> Is the Africa gc too boring for you, to ha...
How about you,Rachel,what tide took you this far ?
>>> Can the monsoon take you back too? Just cu...
In 6 months' time
>>> So nameless how do you spend most of your ...
At work like any modern man out there...
That and 8 hours of sleep when I'm lucky
>>> What else does this modern man do?
Act like a snob apparently...and seemingly also lets the winds carry him..
>>> What if the monsoon and a few others don't...
Then I guess the Silk Road is the way...
>>> Hi bandit, how's the tattoo healing
I hope he'll get better soon
>>> Hi N
Hey Iris how's it going
>>> Woke up with sore throat 😭🙏
Sorry to hear that,took anything for it yet ?
>>> Tea
Good,get better soon !
>>> 12:26 and i am having bf
Bon appétit,take it easy
>>> Please do. 😭 I am turning on way too many...
Nice one 😂