My wife has said stuff in passing about maybe gettinga bewb job. She has pretty nice ones but after two kids they’re a little droopy and lopsided. Should I take her seriously about it? Idc if she gets one or not I just want her to be confident in her body
I’ve said she should get one if she wanted to and she dismissed it. But she keeps bringing it up. I feel like she wants one but maybe has some moral or financial oppositions? We can afford it but she’s not one to spend money on herself
She’s know I adore her as is. I don’t need her to get one. But she is focusing on trying to improve her bodyhealth eating better and being more active. But that doesn’t help that area
I’m fine with her leaving it as is. But I don’t want her being depressed about her body if it’s actually something that’s bothering her
I guess what I’m asking is how to come at it to find out what she really wants
lol she would never do it just to please me. Plus idc if she gets it done looks wise. I just want her to feel more confident in her body and since we’re done having kids I feel like Iroquois be a good time if she wants it
Not drastic ones, just selfconscious about her body a little. I try to tell her and show her how much I love her and her body as is
I’m not actually 😂 but this was a thing before all that. I’ll just have to find a good time to talk to her in depth about it
Sex life is better than it’s been in years!
Idk if it would change much?
Well that’s kind of what a relationship is
Figure out how to be comfortable single. Then figure out what kind a man fits into that lifestyle you made for yourself. Don’t accept anything other than that
Try sites like eharmony if you want to try online. You have to pay but it filters out the “one night stand” boys
It’s still way better than tinder or whatever lol I met my wife on eharmony