Too busy thinking about this one teacher
And most of the time I’m losing my head
Guys is it weird that as a female I envision myself as a really scrawny weak male who’s thin and pale
Well if I was a male I’d be that
Since currently I am just female version
See!! No one agrees at all
I don’t understand myself sometimes
I feel like a forgotten planet
Feel like a twig at most times
I feel if I was a male I’d be so much hrnier over looking at myself
I’m happy I’m a girl but still as a girl I want to sort of earn more
A MASSIVE confession I have is that when guys try to hit on me it makes me uncomfortable but I just act as if I like it because I can see they put an effort in it and if I’m rude about it I’ll probably get called a b.. or just get called a generic woman
And it’s always something sexual
Seriously people tone it down