I'm 44 m from western Canada. And I confess that I have a fetish for sexy younger women.
I have to confess that I'm infatuated with younger women. I'm over 40 and younger women turn me on so much that I can't resist them
>>> Heyyyy
Hi Newbie. How are you doing baby girl 😘
>>> I confess the perfect date for me is a spe...
Lol. That actually kind of sounds like fun. Because at least you have cheap food available all day. And there's justso much to see there. I always end up sitting on all the couches and checking out all the little accessories
>>> Trying out furniture for funsies
Exactly. Do a little bouncing test and play and have some fun. To make you and the person you're with just laugh and enjoy the experience. Because so many things can be turned into a fun playful experience just the people have forgotten how to do it
>>> Does IKEA have a VIP room that I'm unaware of
Yeah they do but if you don't know about it I can't help you. LOL
>>> Pretend one of those kitchen is your actua...
Sounds perfect let's bring lunch and cook it up in the ikea. Offer people snacks. Bring our own knife set and our own cooking gear because I don't think they have that there.
>>> I passed out at one of their beds before
How long did you sleep for? Lol were you alone or with somebody
>>> I passed out at one of their beds before
I think it would be funny to pass out snuggling with someone.
>>> I was with my sister. No one woke us up.
Lol. How long did you two sleep for? My sister fell asleep on the ferry one time and nobody woke her up so she ended up back in the same place where she was trying to get away from.
>>> I think we slept for two hours
That's funny. If you're into testing beds you can come test mine anytime you want
I do I have my own IKEA kitchen in my home. LOL it's got cupboards in the stove in the fridge and everything. Don't even have to bring our own pots because it comes with them
>>> See my favorite place
Send me a message maybe we'll go check out some beds together
>>> I’m looking for the donut lamp
I can't believe you don't know where that is. I Love lamp
>>> Wow this is so nice
Got to love that wood kitchen
>>> Yes I am 🤫
Message me which Ikea you're at maybe I'll come join you
>>> I love this lamp but look how expensive th...
That's because of the tariffs and it wasn't made in China