Make it interesting if you can though
Neend churayi merii kisne o Sanam tuneee
>>> As long as a big flower is covering it, it...
😂😂 Damn that's the kindest mod i ever saw
>>> Oh, you’re the most boring
You sure like the word boring a lot 😂
>>> Niah, watched Golam?
Umm what's that
No idea word. Never heard of the movie even.
Julie really wants to know at what point will any content be bannable hiah
That's what she's trying to pry out of the committee 😂
Bingie hiah boyyy come hiah do you want a treat?
Oh damn you're a gorilla today 😑
Ew i hate my name spelt like that
I think he's going to sell them as slaves
You can't sell anythinganyone you don't own bingie. That's the first rule
Like the banks will listen to me. With you i have like 0.066 percent chance that you will
Well one can still hope for a miracle