Clearly by my death I knew that
I don’t need to write a report to you about it
If I thought my game death was gonna impact you like you were getting money for the game
I said why on earth would I need to say my bad every game death. We played so many why does it matter. Why you need someone to say I’m sorry every match
If it was a serious thing
You have anger management issues
I’m not autistic. You just want someone to kiss your butt every minute
I never said I was perfect. You clearly think you’re the perfect one.
You’re so good at Fortnite so I need to apologize every time I die
What are you talking about
Oh my gosh, “I can’t say my bad every time I die on Fortnite because I don’t want him to think that I don’t think that I’m bad”
I always said last time since it was an issue for you I didn’t think it was serious
Funny you say I’m think I’m perfect when everything you just said proves you think you are
The I can’t play with you cuz you bad at the game
Are we talking about a game or something else
You literally said you can’t play with me