My life feels like a very badly written Wattpad story lately 🫠✋💀
He really is
And my mil keeps telling him to just die (which soundsVERY INSENSITIVE and I thought so too at the beginning) but she really doesn't wanna put him down but she feels like he has little to no quality of life left🥺🥺🥺
Our last step is to deworm him tmrw
And If that really doesn't help him pick up any weight
We gonna say bye,🥺💔💔
I think she's hoping the reason he's struggling to pick up weight is cause of worms and that if she deworms himhe'll pick up weight and she doesn't have to make the decision
But idrk
Cause we do have to deworm our other cats (they don't have worms as far as I know we just do it every 6 months)
My other cat also has a vet check up soon and most likely gonna have to wear a cone cause she's been scratching the living crap out of her neck 🫠✋
And I just wanna take away all their painanxiety cause my poor babies are suffering and Idk why
I wish I could like speak to them and ask them all the questions 🥺😩
Having pets is so stressful and I know I'm not a bad owner but all of them hurting so much makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong😭💔
Or at least I really hope I'm a good owner
Cause I don't see my cats as pets
They are my babies
And part of my family 🥹❣️
What are the options on Casey Anthony?
>>> God can forgive but I'm not interested
God can forgive but I'm not God
I lost my baby naturally and I still lose sleep over it
And she sleeps well at night?!
I went to see my dentist
I do not have an infection
However I do have a damaged nerve
Which means I'm gonna need a root canal
But because my wisdom teeth are swollen which is causing inflammation in my mouth I'ma have to wait until the swelling goes down before we can get it done
I did get some meds forthe pain (which only works when I take like 7 of them)
And I got some for inflammation which should hopefully help soon so we can get the root canal done
According to the dentist
The inflammation in my mouth is most likely the cause of the damaged nerve
>>> It wasnt as bad as i thought the criwn was...
Cause the whole drilling into my mouth seems awful ngl
But apparently it only causes mild discomfort for a few days
Supposed to be a lot more bearable than the pain I'm currently feeling
Because at this point I'm to afraid to breath