I’ve read it before and reread it
Haber is really complex but a real antihero and using Orr’s dreams verges on the surrreal
I read the books of Samuel Delany and Jonathan Lethem and they were influenced by LeGuin as was Philip K D
She’s a master of world building
No one else discussed the book?
What is it to live in a genderless society? Or a society of fluidity? Leguin is good about writing those types of worlds.
I’ve read everything by Leguin. The Earth Sea Quartet is also amazing.
We have a friend who worked with her on the West Coast of America. It’s really fascinating to hear stories about her process and who she was.
Indeed. I’m in a writing group right now
Those are prompts from Steering the Craft that we’re working on
I’m not a dummy southerner lol 🙂
No one said I was but I wrote that just in case someone might think what I wrote is too much surface level. When I finished my English degree I had professors who told me I was not thoughtful in analysis. And my partner also thinks I’m a weak writer and don’t think deeply
Ha the heart is difficult when you’re around academics
What is the February book I have some suggestions
This is what I’m reading now
Her book on writing is great. The dispossessed and the lathe of heaven. My brother is a teacher and he’s taught the wizard of earthsea
The left hand of darkness is probably my favorite