Trying to pray.
But my mind is as blank as this white paper.
Thanks for the good words
It's kind of difficulty during teat6 and trials, especially when you are dealing with it alone
" Surrender everything you have, give everything fully to Lord
Trust in Jesus
Lord, Please help everyone who is going through difficulties in their life, please let them find satisfaction in You Lord
Please help the people who feel unloved ,loves in You
Who are hungry , be satisfied with Your grace
Who are been slaved, be free in You
Help us Lord
Gifting you,
As when I was sad low . I tried to pray but I couldn't .
I posted an image here,
Your kind words,made me feel good.
Thanks a lot
I'm deleting this app now,
One small suggestion to group members.
Never put our trust on any Earthly things or any person,
Trust only onto God
Does this mindset exist now also?