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FFlirty rehabilitation room

What did i do???
I don’t remember
Spill the tea... dont leave me hanging
Idk what i did lol
Uh huh sure
He knows. But seriously I can’t remember. I just know I wanted you to tell on him 🤣🤣
No i dont!
She's not on rn👀
That’s ok. She’ll want to come back and read 😝
Oh no
Spam it away
It’s ok. I could always delete the spam 😈😈😈😈
I could delete your messages 😏
🤣🤣 then she really won’t know what’s going on
I didn't do nothing
Yeah. That’s not what I heard
What did you hear👀
I’m just teasing…although now I’m curious if there are things to hear
I'm not sure👀
Good morning y’all!
Hi turtle 🤗🤗🤗
I’ve spent the day hanging out with my kids and swimming. So it’s been great 😊
That sounds like an amazing day.
It’s been amazing
Good morning y’all.
How is everyone’s return to work day?
Domino i am sure it will be better than that. 😇🤣
No. It’s not. I’ve been here for like 2 hours and haven’t done much of anything. It’s like death in the office today
Sounds like work for me today.
Good morning ☀️
Wassssssup yall?!?
What if there’s a knot hole on the other side????? 🤔
That would be extra knotty
Oh I thought of something else! Does the other side have hard wood??? 🤣🤣🤣
I mean it might have wood. You should check
So today can bleep off. I am going to my shell.
And i am back today having had tequila. So life is better.
Good morning