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Australia y Oceanía/

BBrisbane and qld

Hi everyone
How was your Tuesday?
Good thanks yourself
So far good. Still need to do a bit more work
But taking a break
Just chilling soon going food shopping how exciting lol 😆
Chocolate is always exciting
Just got some Tim Tams over here
That's on my list they better be half price
I don't really like the double choc ones
I like the ones with caramel
I just like the normal
They are all good
There went on special
So hot rocky road choc instead
Got not hot
Grr auto they weren't
Mmm rocky road is always good
I had that last week
So good you get Darrel lea
I got big box 2 in there
They were a magnum type version
Not sure
It was a week ago
You ask me to remember too far back
Did you eat it in one go
Shamefully yes. Or maybe shamelessly
But the thing is it's like a Tim tams you can't just have one
I knowww
Not sleepy yet?
No are you
A little
It was a long day
Many meetings
Oh no that's sht
Yeah but it is what it is
My day was nice thankyou for asking
Need to sleep now
Good night
Good night
Gday everyone
G'day and good morning