I bet it smells like fish
But I’ll call you a mermaid to make you feel better about your fishy hole
Make the girls feel better by calling them a mermaid instead of a smelly fishy vag
But it can smell though right ?
Like how far does that hole smell if someoe were to sit next to you
I’m gonna ignore the fish smell in here
Not gonna lie (like all humans who are fake and pretend to humble in public when they are really evil and arrogant behind closed doors ) but it does really feel Ultimately Good to gloat as the prophesied fraternal twin Trinity-born Billy Goat.🐐
Can you commoners simmer down and let the unique born twin talk
Anyone born alone please STFU
I want a smooth bodhi (pun intended)
Smooth light sun golden pink peach skin with black hair oriental Asian bodhi
I see girls as hos fo sho
I want someone who is light-skinned pink peach or sun golden yellow skin tone and tall
why do some blacks say they are golden skinned? I don’t remember gold being black… sheesh
I remember on the first day of kindergarten as a first generation immigrant from an exclusive garden kingdom on earth in tropical Southeast Asia, when I saw other races for the first time I thought they looked eerie and unattractive so I cried stranger danger